18th. General Assembly of WEGENER (WEGENER 2016)

We are pleased to announce the 18th. General Assembly of WEGENER (WEGENER 2016), which will take place in Ponta Delgada, Azores, Portugal, between 12-15 September 2016and will be hosted by UBI (http://wegener.segal.ubi.pt/).
Please note – the deadline for abstracts is 30 June 2016 (only 8 days), so please plan accordingly and submit your abstract soon.
We look forward to hearing from you and thank you for considering this opportunity to share your research and applications insights.  Please forgive us if you receive multiple postings as we are seeking to distribute this announcement broadly to reach as many disciplines as appropriate.

Best regards,

Haluk Ozener (Chair of WEGENER)

Rui Fernandes (Chair of LOC)